Man of Steel (2013) – Zack Snyder


Hi again ! Today it’s Superman’s new appearance on screens I will discuss of. Before I start talking about it, I’d like to precise that I’m more of a Marvel fan when it comes to comics. I have read DCs too but a load more from Marvel. However I keep being disappointed with the film adaptations of most Marvel franchise, they don’t reflect the power that truly captivates one’s attention and interest like in the comics. On the other hand, DCs theatrical version never fail to impress me. Especially Christopher Nolan’s skills in bringing back Batman and Superman to the movies. There’s this authentic touch that generates from his story writing that gives so much charm to the DC heroes.

All right ! Quick synopsis of what the movie is about : How did Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El) end up on our Earth. He happens to become a center of interest when his planet of origin (Krypton) comes to its end.

I enjoyed the movie a lot because it gave away that comic-like sensation of witnessing a hero’s genesis. The storyline was smooth, eventhough I have to admit the plot seemed rash and hasty by the end but that’s the limit of a movie. You can’t tell the integrity of a story the way a comic does. The beginning was executed with such swiftness and coherence. It is great that there hasn’t been too much unecessary combat just to satisfy the public’s lust for action, this kept the plot quite coherent for a movie version of DC’s Superman.

I also credit the movie’s seriousness. It is sometime better for a movie to focus on specific genres instea

d of trying to gain popularity by satisfying the mass’ horizon of expectation. Recent Hollywood movies tend to blend in humour, action, drama, philosophy and suspense too much. Although giving a girlfriend to Clark wasn’t a big necessity because she didn’t fulfill such a supportive role, I still wouldn’t criticize this choice when you weigh this detail with the others greath things accomplished in the movie. I really appreciated that the humour wasn’t farce, but subtle elements that aren’t meant to make you burst in laughters. For example, I couldn’t help but smile when I saw — *spoiler* the accident counter in the construction site go from 106 to 0 when General Zod threw Clark on the building’s pillar during their last fight *spoiler end*

What generated the comic-like sensation was also the combination between the seriousness of the story-telling and the fight scenes filled with adrenaline rush. The fight scenes weren’t saturating the movie and that’s why they are pretty ultimate since the combat isn’t trivialised like in most super-hero movies.

If you aren’t a total fanatic of the comic franchise , you should be ok watching it, I even hope you have a good time viewing this movie ^^

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